Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lots of Blogtalk Radio re: Peltier- come stream w/ us!Repost

Lots of Blogtalk Radio re: Peltier- come stream w/ us!Repost

Guests LPDOC: Kari Ann & Attny Mike Kuzma...on today 5pm PST/7 PM CST/8Pm EST call ins welcome later in the show: (718) 508-9165 Robin & Connie invite you to tune in! Pull up a chair....light some sage & continue to hold vigil for justice for Peltier!


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: tachia
Date: Jan 31, 2009 1:01 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: S.P.I.R.I.T.

Date: Jan 31, 2009 11:29 AM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Mvskoke_Lady
Date: Jan 31, 2009 12:25 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Nell
Date: Jan 31, 2009 11:29 AM

Red Town Radio Guest :

Robert Robideau will be talking about the Leonard Peltier and

the Anna Mae case.
He will be talking about

how it can affect the freedom of Leonard Peltier.
We will be

taking questions relating to these cases.

Show: January 31, 2009

Robert Robideau: a member of the Turtle Mountain and White Earth Ojibwa tribes.
He has been an active member of the American Indian Movement (AIM) since 1973. He is the founder and director of the American Indian Movement Museum in Barcelona, Spain, where much of the history of AIM and my art work remains on display.
www. AmericanIndianM. org/ An Inventory of work with the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee and the American Indian Movement, from 1973-1994 is located at the University of New Mexico, Center for Southwest Research.
http://rmoa. unm. edu/docviewer. php?docId=nmu1mss557bc. xml My art can be found at the Bonnie Kahn Gallery: http://www. bonniekahngallery. com/bios. ihtml?pid=78&step=2

Please support the following pages

www. myspace. com/robertrobideau

Listen to Red Town Radio on internet talk radio

Call-in Number: (646) 929-0892


Show time:

3:00PM Pacific

4:00PM Mountain

5:00PM Central

6:00PM Eastern


Host Name: Brenda Golden

Show Name: Red Town Radio

Show Length 1 1/2 Hour

Go to blogtalkradio. com and setup an account.

Then join us in the chat room for the show.

To listen to past shows go to:

http://www. blogtalkradio. com/RedTownRadio

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Jermiah
Date: Jan 31, 2009 12:02 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Robin
Date: Jan 31, 2009 2:46 PM

http://www. blogtalkradio. com/NAMAPAHH_Radio/2009/0...

Breaking News about Leonard Peltier's Move BACK to Lewisburg Guests LPDOC: Kari Ann & Attny Mike Kuzma...on today 5pm PST/7 PM CST/8Pm EST call ins welcome later in the show: (718) 508-9165
Robin & Connie invite you to tune in! Pull up a chair....light some sage & continue to hold vigil for justice for Peltier!

BlogTalkRadio Share Show Widget

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

FREE SPEECH RADIO NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today's cast includes a report from Gujrat on microcephalic children, forced to beg on Pakistan's streets

FREE SPEECH RADIO NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

• Zimbabwean Parties Reach New Power Sharing Deal
• Israel/Hamas Ceasefire Strained
• DTV Extension Fails to Pass House; Eric Holder Approved by Senate Committee
• Bush Denies Clemency Petition of Leonard Peltier
• CA Appeal Court Says Private Schools Can Discriminate


Monday, January 26, 2009

NAMAPAHH Hosts Johnny Curtis & Phillip Charette 1-26-09

Free Speech Radio News- Airs news about Peltier!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Free Speech Radio News- Airs news about Peltier!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Newscast for Monday, January 26, 2009
* UN says dozens killed in Sri Lanka fighting
* Bolivian voters approve constitutional referendum
* Obama tackles energy
* Critics say Obama violating ethics rules
* UNITE HERE backs bill to make it easier for workers to join unions
* Lawyers get access to Peltier after beating

2:21 minutes long(last story!)

Supporters of prisoner Leonard Peltier gathered outside the San Francisco federal building on Friday, heeding a call from Peltier's family calling for urgent action and public outcry after Peltier was apparently beaten by other prisoners after being transferred to a new facility in Pennsylvania. Peltier has been in prison since 1977, after a jury convicted him of killing two FBI agents – but he has always maintained his innocence. Robin Carneen has more.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

BlogTalkRadio Share Show Widget


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Native American Myspace
Date: Jan 25, 2009 7:39 AM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: wicahcala
Date: 25 Jan 2009, 07:49

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Date: 24 Jan 2009, 23:45

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ~Mikki~
Date: Jan 25, 2009 12:39 AM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: wicahcala
Date: Jan 24, 2009 4:49 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Peltier Central Texas Branch Support Group
Date: 24 Jan 2009, 10:17

The LP DOC has asked that we make every effort to contact the
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa and encourage them to apply Nation to Nation pressure on the government of the United States to turn their enrolled citizen Leonard Peltier to their Nation.

President Obama has stated in his Indian Policy Papers that he would respect and honor the sovereignty of our nations.

Ask the Council at Turtle Mountain if there is anything that you as an individual can do to assist them in this effort.


Phone 701 477 2600

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians
Hwy 5 West
PO Box 900
Belcourt, ND

myspace. com/lpctsg


In The Spirit if Crazy Horse .
AIM for freeedom!!

Establish a Branch Support Group of the LP-DOC



click and sign !!!


RE: NAMAPAHH ~Peltier allowed to see attorney hear the news!

RE: NAMAPAHH ~Peltier allowed to see attorney hear the news!
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Jermiah
Date: Jan 24, 2009 10:10 PM

Peltier allowed to see attorney-you can hear the news!


To everyone far & wide:

Please tune in if you missed the show & news tonight!!! Special thanks for Michael Kuzma for pushing for attny Shelia Dugan legal visit to Leonard Peltier & for having her call into the show tonight! It was GREAT that happened....hear for yourself the update on Leonard & keep praying for his transfer out of this dangerous place & better yet his release....please circulate the letter below our Blogtalk Player too!

Take care all, keep the campfires of hope & prayer for Peltier burning bright- ALL of you are making this happen! ALL OF YOU! Keep doing what you are doing!

Robin & Connie & NAMAPAHH Family!
Good NDN Radio vibes!One Love as my youngest says now!


January 24, 2009

Mr. Harley G.
Lappin, Director
Bureau of Prisons
320 First Street, N. W.

Washington, D. C.

Re: Leonard Peltier, #89637-132

Dear Director Lappin:

I represent Mr. Leonard Peltier, #89637-132, who is currently incarcerated at USP Canaan.

Mr. Peltier was recently transferred to USP Canaan from USP Lewisburg. It is my understanding that Mr. Peltier was brutally attacked on or about January 13, 2009. Mr. Peltier suffered a possible concussion, the middle finger on his left hand may be broken or is badly injured, he has a large bump near his right wrist, the right side of his rib cage and chest are in a pain, the right side of his chest is bruised as is his left knee, and he is now having headaches, which Mr. Peltier believes are a direct result of the January 13, 2009 beating.

It is clear that Mr. Peltier is in grave danger at USP Canaan. By letters dated November 29, 2008 and December 15, 2008, I requested that Mr. Peltier be transferred to the Turtle Mountain reservation or, in the alternative, he be sent to Sandstone FCI or Oxford FCI. As I noted in my letter of December 15, 2008, on August 20, 2008 Mr. Peltier sought to be transferred to Sandstone FCI or Oxford FCI. A copy of the “Inmate Request to Staff” form dated August 20, 2008 that Mr. Peltier submitted to Case Manager Rothermel is once again enclosed for your information.

Please advise me of what steps, if any, you have taken to ensure Mr. Peltier’s safety. More specifically, I would like to know what you have done to make sure that he is not attacked again in the future. Also, has Mr. Peltier received appropriate medical treatment for his injuries? If not, it is imperative that he sees health care professionals without any further delay so that his injuries may be properly treated.

I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Thank you.

Yours truly,

Michael Kuzma, Esq.


cc: Mr. Henry J.
Regional Counsel


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Update on Leonard Peltier

Lots of Radio coverage past & to come re: Peltier-89637-132

Lots of Radio coverage past & to come re: Peltier-89637-132

RE: Leonard Peltier Interview w/ LPDAttny Michael Kuzma radio
Update: After calling & emailing USP-Canaan

To all concerned regarding prisoner Leonard Peltier-89637-132:
I received a response and have included it in this post & I did review their media policies, as they suggested I should.

Based on their response, I am going to assume Leonard Peltier has been injured or has some medical problems & this is why they are not responding to the allegations of his attack while he was under lock & key in their facility.
I wrote them back & told them I would post their response to all my social networking sites.

So they will not be calling in at my invitation. So at this point, we have only the letter that has been circulating, with Betty Peltier Solano's name on it & apparently she was on another radio show talking about this incident, so please listen to that show if you are interested. I have invited she & Kari Ann to be on our show today as well, still waiting & hoping to hear back from them...I will let you all know if they can make it on.

Here is that Myspace post regarding today's earlier interview w/ Betty Peltier Solano:
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: On Native Ground - Where Art Speaks!

Date: Jan 22, 2009 12:32 PM Subject: Betty Peltier-Solano called live on-air @KDVS 90.3 FM Davis Body: This morning, Leonard Peltier's sister, Betty, called in live to KDVS 90.3 FM to ask for community support for her brother. As most know, Leonard was beaten severely soon after his transfer to a PA prison. Betty pleaded with the community, "please don't let my brother die in prison..."

On behalf of Mr. Peltier (inmate #89637-132) and his family, insure that LP is receiving adequate medical attention for his injuries.Please write to the following decision makers/authorities:

Warden Ronnie R.
Holt, Warden
3057 Easton Turnpike
Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: 570-488-8000
Fax: 570-488-8130

Scott Dodrill, Director
Northeast Regional Office
Federal Bureau of Prisons
2nd & Chesnut Streets.
, 7th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: 215-521-7301

Harley G.
Lappin, Director
Bureau of Prisons
Department of Justice
320 First Street, NW, Room 654
Washington, DC 20534
Phone: 202-307-3250
Fax: 202-514-6878

Ask President Obama to investigate this incident:

The Honorable Barack H.Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Fax: 202-456-2461
Michael Kuzma has confirmed & will fill us in as much as he knows. He also was on another Native American radio program last night, please listen to that show as well...

Here is that Myspace post:

RE: Peltier attorney Kuzma on American Indian Airwaves
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Friends of Leonard Peltier
Date: Jan 22, 2009 11:35 AM
Peltier attorney Micheal Kuzma described Leonard's injuries during an interview yesterday on American Indian Airwaves.
According to a letter received from Peltier (thus far, neither the attorneys or Leonard's family members have been able to speak directly with Leonard), the attack occurred on January 13.

Leonard believes he may have a concussion and he's suffering from headaches that are a direct result of the beating.
His middle finger on his left hand may be broken. He has a large bump near his right wrist.
He is experiencing pain in the area of his right rib cage and chest (which is bruised).
Listen to the interview (last 20 minutes of the program):

http://64. 27. 15. 184/parchive/mp3/kpfk_090121_150223americanindian. mp3.
I am very glad this is at least getting Native news coverage, let's hope the main stream media picks up the story & also gets the attention of President Obama.

No news is not good news in this case.

Here is the email exchange between R. Reuthe, Public Information Officer USP Canaan and myself:

Media Inquiry: Leonard Peltier: 89637-132: Attention: Warden Ronnie R. Holt, Warden/Public Information Officer,Mr Reuthe
CAA/Exec Assistant~ CAA/Exec Assistant~ Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 1:05 PM
To: "robin.carneen"
January 22, 2009

For privacy purposes, we are unable to disclose non-public information
regarding a specific inmate’s case, including to family members and
members of the media. For example, information relating to an
inmate’s housing assignment, medical status, disciplinary record,
or program involvement is not public. Therefore, we are unable to honor
your invitation to participate in your radio show.

For information regarding our news media policy, please visit our
public website at Thank you.

R. Reuthe, Public Information Officer
USP Canaan

>>> "robin.carneen" 1/22/2009 1:01 PM >>>
ATTN: Warden Ronnie R.Holt, Warden
& Public Information Officer,Mr Reuthe
3057 Easton Turnpike
Waymart, PA 18472
Phone: 570-488-8000
Fax: 570-488-8130

From: NAMAPAHH First People's Radio
Host/producer Robin Carneen
Co-hosted by Connie Allen
Both enrolled members of the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, in La
Conner, WA.
Native American news, views & music show on:

NAMAPAHH stands for: Native American Multi-media; Activism;
Performance/poetry; Art;Health/Humor/History.

Media inquiry:

I received an email & myspace post that prompted me to contact your
U.S.Penitentiary to ask about the status of inmate Leonard Peltier: 89637-132.

Please read the information that is circulating, I have not verified if
This letter was penned by Leonard's sister Betty Peltier-Solano, but I am
Acting on the information contained in the letter, especially the information
I have highlighted & want to invite you or your spokesperson to be on a
Radio show I am hosting today...I will also have Michael Kuzma on as well,
During the same time slot- TBA- I am waiting to hear back from your Public
Information Officer,Mr Reuthe, who I left a voicemail for at 8:50am
PST. I anxiously await a call back from him, so I can book him and/ or
yourself for time on the air with me. Thank you! Robin Carneen

This is the info that has been sent to me by some of the Leonard
Peltier supporters:

Subject: URGENT ALERT! Leonard Peltiers safety is in jeopardy!
Dear LP Supporters
I am so OUTRAGED! My brother Leonard was severely beaten upon his
arrival at the Canaan Federal Penitentiary. When he went into population after
his transfer, some inmates assaulted him. The severity of his injuries is
that he suffered numerous blows to his head and body, receiving a large bump
on his head, possibly a concussion, and numerous bruises. Also, one of
his fingers is swollen and discolored and he has pain in his chest and

There was blood everywhere from his injuries.

We feel that prison authorities at the prompting of the FBI
orchestrated this attack and thus, we are greatly concerned about his safety. It
may be that the attackers, whom Leonard did not even know, were offered
reduced sentences for carrying out this heinous assault. Since Leonard is up
for parole soon, this could be a conspiracy to discredit a model prisoner.

He was placed in solitary confinement and only given one meal, this is
generally done when you won't name your attackers; incidentally being
only given one meal seriously jeopardizes his health because of his
diabetes. Prison officials refuse to release any info to the family,
but they need to hear from his supporters to
protect his safety, as does President
Obama. His attorneys are trying to get calls into him now.

This attack on LP comes on the heels of the FBI's recent letter,
prompting this attack by FBI supporters as an attempt to discredit LP as a model
prisoner. Anyone who has been in the prison system knows well that if
you refuse to name your attackers or file charges against them, then you
lose your status as a victim and/or given points against your possible
parole and labeled as a perpetrator.

It is not uncommon, in fact is quite common for the government to use
Indian against Indian and they still operate under the old adage "it takes an
Indian to catch an Indian". In 1978, they made an attempt to assassinate him
through another Indian man who was also at Marion prison with LP. But
Standing Deer chose to reveal the plot to him instead of taking his
life in exchange FOR A CHANCE AT FREEDOM.

When Standing Deer was released in 2001, he joined the former Leonard
Peltier Defense Committee as a board member. He also began to speak on
Leonard?s behalf until his murder six years ago today. Prior to his
murder, Standing Deer confided with close friends and associates that the same
man who visited him in Marion to assassinate Peltier, had came to Houston,
TX and told him that he had better stay away from Peltier and anything to
do with him.

We are aware that currently, the FBI is actively seeking support for
his continued imprisonment of Leonard Peltier and also also seeking support
from Native People. So please be aware, and keep Leonard in your prayers.
The FBI is apparently afraid of the impact we are having If they will set
him up to blemish his record just before a parole hearing, what will they do
when it looks like his freedom will become a reality? We need to make sure
that nothing happens to him again!

Please write the President, send it priority or registered mail. Email
to or email President Obama. Call your congressional
representatives and write letters, not email, to them. Do what you can
to get the word out to insure that LP is receiving adequate medical
attention for his injuries.

I am asking you, supporters of Leonard and advocates of justice at this
Time to help. I don’t know what else to do. Please Help!

Thank you
Betty Peltier-Solano
Executive Coordinator
Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee

Also call and request Leonard be treated with dignity and respect.
Canaan Federal Prison
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Kat-Turtle Island Youth Projects
Date: Jan 22, 2009 12:02 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Peltier Central Texas Branch Support Group
Date: 22 Jan 2009, 13:57

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Robin
Date: 22 Jan 2009, 13:47

http://www. blogtalkradio. com/NAMAPAHH_Radio/2009/0...

Change in broadcast time....5pm PST/ 8pm EST....hope you can tune in!

Robin & Connie

BlogTalkRadio Share Show Widget

BlogTalkRadio Share Show Widget

Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Jr. and other African Men Honored


Martin Luther King Jr. and other African-American Men Honored

During the first part of this tribute we will take an audio tour of Trinity House, a rehabilitation facility for African American Males in downtown Atlanta, GA. This facility also houses a historical chapel, where Martin Luther King, Jr’s body was brought, before the procession started. I could feel the Spirit of this amazing man. He would be so pleased if he knew that the chapel is now part of a healing & rehab center, that honors him to this day. I was lead throughout that facility by a young man named Brian. I was able to be introduced to many of the men & counselors in Trinity House. The décor offered a presence of Mother Africa. I was so impressed that the African culture was woven into the program & part of the ambience of rehabilitation.

During the second half of NAMAPAHH we will share an excerpt of Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream” speech. We will also share interviews with two other African American brothers that have done incredible human rights work & activism on behalf of African Americans & even Native Americans as in the case of Jay Winter Nightwolf, the originator & radio talk show host of “Nightwolf” : “The American Indian’s Truth…..the Most Dangerous Show On Radio…..” broadcasting on WPFW 89.3 FM – Pacifica Radio
Damu Smith

Damu Smith was another host of a WPFW radio program, who I met at a NNG grantmakers conference in Blaine, Wa back in 2005. We lost Damu to his battle with cancer & I feel very honored that he was able to give me an exclusive interview after his presentation about Hurricane Katrina he gave at the conference. He was a very special man & though I only spent a half hour with him, I wanted to know him for the rest of my life. We will rebroadcast this interview as well, to honor him & remember him & remind us all how much work we have to do to carry forward work he & others, like Martin Luther King Jr., started on all our behalf.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

RE: Do NOT Miss ~ Bush Bash ~ ON AIR NOW

RE: Do NOT Miss ~ Bush Bash ~ ON AIR NOW

Rebroadcast available now if you missed it!!!!!

Great callers & music shared by all! No Mercy for the King- helped him out the door!!!!!!!

Music by Jim Page; Nicole Fournier; Chris Skyhawk;Dana Lyons,Tim McHugh and the Lost Poets,Laurie Lewis and Tom Ruzum,Pura Fe,Black Fire,Joanne Shenandoah,Sherman Alexie Poem w/ music by Jim Boyd,qnd Murray Porter

Rebroadcast of a 2005 Interview w/ Nicole Fournier! Check it out!

Enjoy!!!!! G/bye GWB!!!!!!!!!!! Don't let the door hit you in the you-know-what!!!!

Robin & Connie...more blogtalk to come!


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Jermiah
Date: Jan 18, 2009 2:33 PM


http://www. blogtalkradio. com/NAMAPAHH_Radio

Call-in Number: (718) 508-9165

Show Name: We can't help it- we had to have our very own send off!
Bush Bash- No pro- Bush folks please!


We will play music by Native & non- Native artists...
take calls & take a group sigh of relief he is going, going, almost gone!
Word of caution- we will not host pro-bush calls...he brought our country
blame & shame...he started WAR many innocent lives the name of OIL! Also-

this won't exactly be a family show, teenagers on up can join us...
NO BAD LANGUAGE...some venting allowed, but within reason...
its just a really good dose of therapy we will offer to maybe mend
the broken World hoop!

Monday, January 12, 2009

RE: Fort Robinson Outbreak Spiritual Run Update

RE: Fort Robinson Outbreak Spiritual Run Update
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Andrew Ironshell
Date: Jan 12, 2009 9:25 PM

Intrepid runners take on the elements to pay tribute to ancestors
By Jomay Steen, Rapid City Journal

As part of the Fort Robinson Outbreak Spiritual Run, a group of American Indian youths will run the final leg of a 400-mile journey through the Black Hills to Busby, Mont., to commemorate the 130th year of the Northern Cheyenne escape from Fort Robinson, Neb.

For Jonathan American Horse, Keynen Red Hat and Roy Fighting Bear’s ancestors, the journey was a defiant act of returning from Indian Territory to their Montana homelands. But for three 11-year-old boys from Lame Deer, Mont., it is time to remember their ancestors’ sacrifice, to relive a significant part of their tribe’s history and a test to see if they can do it.

“It isn’t the best weather,” American Horse said on Friday afternoon at Crawford, Neb.

He and 130 other runners would be breaking out of the barracks later at 10:30 p.m. into the raw winter wind to run by moonlight for the first 15 miles of the 400-mile trip.

In relay style, runners position themselves along U.S. Highway 385 about 100 feet apart as runners sprinted along the shoulder of the road, passing off a staff to the next group of runners. A half-dozen vans and school bus carried the runners along the route, picking up the sprinters and dropping off the new runners along the route.

For each of the three boys, it’s their second time to take part.

“I guess it’s fun. It is like being free from school, but it’s all about our culture,” American Horse said of why he wanted to participate.

“I try to think of my ancestors and what they had survived,” Red Hat said of his turn to run.

It is not for everyone, but there are those who will even hitchhike to the historical fort to take part like Johnny Big Medicine. On Friday morning, the 18-year-old arrived at Comanche Hall after being dropped off by some elders from Montana.

The Lame Deer High School student had felt a responsibility to organizers Phillip Whiteman Jr. and Lynette Two Bulls to take on running duties when conditions were too much for the younger runners. “We run when it’s too cold for the little ones,” he said.

But he also felt it was something he should do for his family.

“This is my fourth year running. My brother got into an accident and I just wanted to come and run for him,” Big Medicine said.

Whiteman said that in its first decade, volunteers have helped with feeding the participants, fueled the vans and kept the show on the road. This has included speakers who have volunteered to talk about their great grandparents as part of the educational portion of the journey.

“We have the unique opportunity of living in two worlds. As we run, sacrifice and learn to work together as a team, let this day be the beginning of your future,” Whiteman said.

Following the caravan of runners are a pair of Kansas historians documenting the oral storytelling of the journey. Jim Leiker, history professor of Johnson County Community College at Overland Park, Kan., and Ramon Powers, retired director of the Kansas State Historical Society, were documenting the cultural history of the entire story.

Leiker said the Northern Cheyenne had been sent down to Indian Territory in Oklahoma because of treaty terms negotiated between the U.S. Government and the Sioux. Two-thirds of the tribe decided to stay, but the rest wanted to return to their northern hunting grounds and resume their old way of life.

Through either misinformation by those interpreting what was said or outright lying by the government, the people of Dull Knife and Little Wolf believed they could return to Montana at any time. They set off on foot, but soon the military was in pursuit, he said.

Leiker said the two chiefs moving 350 people across the country had little control over their young men, who hated seeing the waves of new settlers moving into old hunting grounds. Whether it was through rage or to gain access to horses, Leiker said one military soldier and 43 civilians were killed in western Kansas.

“When they were eventually caught, the military destroyed all the horses,” Leiker said.

Pursued in earnest, the band eluded the military in the Nebraska Sand Hills splitting into two groups. Those going with Dull Knife were mostly the elderly, women and children that hoped to find help refuge on Red Cloud Agency. They would be surrounded by the military two-days from Fort Robinson in early November, where they later learned the Lakota chiefs Red Cloud and Spotted Tail had been relocated to Pine Ridge.

On Jan. 3, the government ordered Dull Knife and his people to immediately return to Oklahoma. “We’ll die before we go back,” Leiker said of the group.

Upon their escape from the barracks, 63 Cheyenne were wounded or killed by soldiers. A few managed to escape to Pine Ridge, where they lived with Red Cloud’s people. An estimated 38 Cheyenne began the last leg of their flight to their Montana homeland and freedom. Little Wolf’s group successfully made it into the Montana, he said.

“I think the people who followed Dull Knife and Little Wolf would have never stayed in Oklahoma,” he said.

URGENT! Adopt A Box!

URGENT! Adopt A Box!

URGENT! Adopt A Box of Donations to send to South Dakota by Jan 16th, 2009! Great way to start a new year & help make change happen!

If you are on FACEBOOK: Join my Cause....

If you are mailing a financial contribution:


Tulalip Tribes

Attn:Finance/ Frieda Williams/Lynne Bansemer

6700 Totem Beach Rd.

Tulalip, WA. 98271

Make checks payable to: Tulalip Tribes TERO

Deposit to account # 01-0210 / South Dakota

Enter South Dakota tribes/Adopt A Box on the notes line

Contact Robin Carneen if you want details- this week is crunch week!

Imagine your name and/ or your friends or family name on the label of generous donations we have gathered going to South Dakota- UPS has given us 10% off, we just need you!

Thanks, Robin & Connie & the Circle of Hope- The Circle of Giving

Please Consider Adopting A Box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Jan 16th, 2009

We need your financial donations & love to send the donations we did get back to South Dakota....We did not get a truck like we had hoped for....but if everyone, individuals, families, organizations, clubs, adopt a box or bag of items, we can get everything back & soon!

Please email me for address & more info:

Or call us at message #: (360) 848-9931
Home in evenings: (360) 466-2671
Cell: (after 9pm /weekends/free text messaging!): (503) 544-9794

Frieda Williams can be reached at: 425-754-0656
Lynne Bansemer can be reached at: 360-716-4746

We will be working on getting everything ready or put on a truck, if one does come through for us- this week is crunch week....though I am no longer at Tulalip Boys & Girls Club(laid off due to recession) I am still seeing this project through its end....which I hope is by the 16th. Mom(Connie Allen) has already been volunteering....If everyone gave at least $10 & got their friends & co-workers to do the same, this WILL happen!

Thank you- see it as a wave of love & change, to help those at Pine Ridge & Rosebud have a better winter, which is proving harsher than normal!

da ha dwubs, Robin & Connie & the Circle of Hope- Circle of Giving

Thank you to the Tulalip Tribes, Tero & Lion's Club for stepping in & for the Tulalip Boys & Girls Club for letting me do this as a last project!

It's going to make a difference in some of the lives back there!

Some Photos of our efforts!!!!!!!!

URGENT! Adopt A Box1- SDOutreach: Deadline approaching Jan 16th!

TYMMC Adopt a Box2: South Dakota Outreach! You can help!

TYMMC Adopt A Box2-SDOutreach

Thursday, January 8, 2009

RE: NAMAP​AHH_​Radio​ ~Major Flooding, Mudslides, Avalanches~

RE: NAMAP​AHH_​Radio​ ~Major Flooding, Mudslides, Avalanches~

NAMAPAHH First People's Radio- Archived- Western WA WEATHER:
- status of heavy rain and snow levels - update on the widespread flooding, including urban and small stream flooding - risk of landslides - extreme avalanche hazard in the mountains - rising high tides

((((Special Thanks to Jermiah for the Special Bulletin he put together around this show- awesome!!!!!!!!!!!)))))))))
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Jermiah
Date: Jan 8, 2009 5:05 AM




January 7-8, '09-Western Washington ALERT- Major Flooding, Mudslides, Avalanches,Road Closures!
Date / Time: 1/8/2009 2:30 AM
Category: Weather
www. noaa. gov - status of heavy rain
and snow levels - update on the widespread flooding, including
urban and small stream flooding - risk of landslides - extreme
avalanche hazard in the mountains - rising high tides later this
week combined with river runoff NEAR RECORD FLOODING expected....major highways expected to go under water & landslides, expected to continue through the weekend!!!!!!! This weather webinar happened at 2pm PST & was brought to you by the National Weather
Service Seattle.
They conducted an online press weather briefing for
the press today...Ted Buehner & Mark Moore (NW Avalanche Center)
gave today's report.
US Dept of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service Seattle Weather Forecast Office 7600 Sandpoint Way NE Seattle, Washington
98115-6349 Tel: (206) 526-6087 ALERT!!!!January 7-8 Significant
Rain and Flood Event for Western Washington!!!! TAKE ACTION!
Earlier tonight, my Mom Connie Allen & myself made a run for
Mt Vernon & Burlington at about 6:30pm PST & got back in at
9PM PST & the farmlands are very floody & we got over the Skagit
River, but the river is rising! We heard on a local radio station updates...evacuations are happening(Concrete & Hamilton are in trouble!) friend Shelley can't get back home to where she lives
along the River...her main road has gone under the rising Skagit
River ...early this morning, my other friend Jim could not get from
Peaceful Valley to Acme, where he works-due to major water on
the road & a landslide has cut off the road to Acme.... reports that
I-5 looks like it'll be closed down near Chehalis, with the Stilly &
Snohomish Rivers, slated to flood, other places as well...they say
that 22 Rivers are going to flood....this is a HISTORIC rain storm.

Sand baggers may be needed my youngest son says & he said he
may help if called to help.... Time to move to higher ground if you are
living in the flood plains and near these rive


Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 Resolutions: #1 Obama Resolution:>>>>>>>>>>>-----------------------> ( My wish/My dream):“Reservations Remembered”: By Robin Carneen:©1-4-09

This is my note/blog for today: 1/4/09
May this day be filled with hope, goals, peace for our Mother Earth &
All who reside upon her…. Robin Carneen
2009 Resolutions
#1 Obama Resolution:
(My wish/My dream):
“Reservations Remembered”
By Robin Carneen

Solo bird song
Dogs rustling in slumber
Early rising cat lapping water
In a quiet awakening….
A new dawn awaits us all
Yet- I can hear the screams
And feel death glance off my Indian skin
Historical bullets skim by me,
At me…
The target is my activism-
On behalf of the long dead
And perhaps un-remembered:
Honored now
In hoof sound echoing
Across the howling , grieving plains
Biting wind mixed with Youth voices
Who sing through sorrow-laden snows
A new generation of warriors
Carrying feathered banners
Snapping the freezing silence
While warm pony breath shape
Ancestors’ silhouettes
Native pride re-birthed
Through their ride….
I honor you this morning
All who ride to remind us
Of Big Foot, Crazy Horse,
And the fallen women and children
Frozen in time,
Frozen in white President’s minds
Ghost dancers share my dreams-
I am miles away this morning
Maybe life times too…
I hope the Black President will remember
He holds a key that can free souls
Liberate broken promises
And a hope
For one Anishinabe and Dakota/Lakota Nations
Political prisoner
As well…
Who also takes this Winter ride
From behind Prison walls

( I wrote the above posted poem….based on my interview with Percy White Plume re: Winter in South Dakota….
Past Guests: 11-29-08
Sung Nagi Okolakiciye (Horse Spirit Society and Sanctuary)
Percy White Plume - Director, Sung Nagi Okolakiciye (Horse Spirit Society and Sanctuary)
Percy is an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota Nation. He has lived on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation his entire life on his family's land and is fluent in the Lakota language. He has worked in the mental health care field for many years. He has conducted horse camps and rides for youth and families for over 10 years. He is the chief coordinator of the "Big Foot Ride" that occurs in December of each year in commemoration of Wounded Knee and "Youth Rides Across the Homeland" - a 4 day ride across the entire length of the reservation designed to acquaint the youth with the beauty of their homeland and to instill in them a pride in their heritage.
Percy White Plume-Pine Ridge Reservation
Mailing: POB 411 Manderson, SD 57756
ph:(605) 867-5834 (you can leave a message)
Horse Spirit Society & Sanctuary
Tax deductable place to also make donations for this program:
One Spirit & PRES
Visit One Spirit at
The ONE Spirit Mission is to assist the Lakota people in preserving and revitalizing the Lakota culture, language, and self-sufficiency while meeting the basic needs of Lakota families, children, and elders. We support the initiatives of the Lakota in planning and carrying out programs that allow them to care for and enhance the lives of their people. We strive to cultivate an intercultural relationship that recognizes that we are all related and that American Indians are an equal and valued part of our society.

PRES Pine Ridge Enfance Solidarité's at http://www.myspace. com/pineridgenfansolidarite
PRES is a French organization that works in partnership with One Spirit and support the mission and programs.
Wish list for 50 horses+ 50 children=10 mile Horseback Ride
Packs made up of saddles, tack, bridles, leather to make tack, saddle blankets, brushes and other grooming supplies, etc
"The survival of the world depends upon our sharing what we have and working together. if we don't, the whole world will die. First the planet, and next the people.Fools Crow, Ceremonial Chief of the Teton Sioux"
Posted for Gloria Hazell:

Hi everyone, this is just to inform you that there will be a meeting to make plans for the food on Sunday (14th) afternoon at 1.If you live locally and want to help in some way please come along to it.The meeting will be held at: Little Feather Center 317 4th St NE Pipestone
Hope you can make it. Updates will be given on the group page.
Thanks, Gloria


ON FACEBOOK: Dakota 38 + 2 Memorial Ride Group


it has been requested that everyone involved with the ride bring their own plates, cups, bowls and silverware in order to cut down on our garbage, the ride organizers would like this ride to be 'GREEN' in keeping with the 'old ways'.

Currently the crew that is filming a documentary about the ride, is in search of an R.V. or camper that they hope to film interviews in throughout the 330 miles of travel. We wanted to put this out to the community in the chance that someone might have ideas for finding a mobile device. It doesn't have to be pretty, all it has to do is block the wind and have 4 wheels :) Feel free to contact us if any of you have any thoughts or ideas.
If anyone in the local area would be able to make a hot dish for the riders for the 17th, please let Marge, Gloria or Alice know, thanks.

Also if anyone wants to give a hand serving the food again please contact the same people. Food will be served on both the 17th and the 18th.

The ride may be coming through your town or city if you reside in South Dakota or Minnesota. Please show support for the riders if you can. A schedule of the ride will be given on the group pages please keep checking back as information is coming in as places are confirmed.

The Ride Schedule is as follows: Schedule for Dakota 38 + 2 Memorial Ride

This is the completed Route

Dec 10th Ceremony in Lower Brule and ride to Ft Thompson and have Ceremony ;Dec 11th Ceremony then ride 28 miles to a creek named Crow Creek; Dec 12th Ride from Crow Creek to Woonsocket;Dec 13th Ride from Woonsocket to Roswell;Dec 14th Ride from Roswell to Madison ;Dec 15th Ride from Madison to Flandreau ; Dec 16th Day of Rest; Dec 17th Ride from Flandreau to Pipestone
(staying at the Little Feather Center, horses to be taken to the powwow grounds. Food will be provided and prepared by the Pipestone Dakota Community. Dec 18th Ride from Pipestone Russell MN; Dec 19th Ride from Russell to Milroy; Dec 20st Ride from Milroy to Lower Sioux and have Ceremony; Dec 21st Day of Rest; Dec 22nd Gathering at Lower Sioux and Day of Rest; Dec 23rd Have Ceremony at Lower Sioux then Ride to FT Ridgley;Dec 24th Ride from FT Ridgley to Courtland; Dec 25th Ride from Courtland to Land of Memories Park;Dec 26th Ride from Land of Memories Park to Downtown Mankato; The 21st is an extra Day for Bad Weather.
Please read the discussion section as I will be giving more information and comments there. You are welcome to add your comments as well. Thanks G
((((Found info/links about past rides…))))))

Music Video: I Believe in You- A Memorial Ride to Remember 2007
Article from REZNET news:

Support the Riders & Percy White Plumes Program please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lakota Youth to Ride Horseback Across Pine Ridge
By Anonymous

April 30, 2008
On May 7-11, over 200 Lakota Youth, accompanied by parents and relatives, will ride horseback across the breadth of the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. This ride, which will be the first of its kind, is approximately 100 miles long. The ride is being organized to reacquaint the young Lakota youth with their land, help them recognize its beauty, realize the freedom they experience on the reservation and offer the youth healing and rejuvenation of hope in their lives.
Lakota adults and elders are deeply concerned for youth who are living on the reservation today. With the High School drop-out rate at 70% and the teenage suicide rate 3 1/2 times higher than the national average, these youth face tremendous obstacles in their life. 90% of the population on the reservation lives below the federal poverty level and there is an unemployment rate of approximately 85% (Source: U.S. Census Bureau). One-third of the homes are severely substandard, without water, electricity, adequate insulation, and sewage systems (Source: Indian Housing Authority).
Because of all the tremendous obstacles these young Lakota youth face, having an opportunity to experience the benefits of this Youth Ride is very important. Life on the reservation is very difficult. The youth have a very grim view of their life, see little hope for their future and rarely get opportunities to enjoy the natural beauty of their reservation. The only area of the reservation that these young people see is what is along the road - broken down cars and trailer homes.
Events like the Youth Ride can help them realize the beauty that exists in their land and regain closeness and a sense of hope and pride in who they are. The adults and elders hope to help the youth change how they see their life by reconnecting them through the ways of their culture. Drum groups, motivational speakers, and the Vice President of the Tribal Council will also speak to the youths about their lives on the reservation and the importance of treaties.
For possibly the first time in their life, these youth can experience something positive that could be life-changing. During the ride, the youth will make their own trail across the reservation, riding through the buffalo pastures and over the hills and valleys of the surrounding prairie land. Both the youth and the adults who accompany them will gain a better understanding of the beauty that their land holds. At night, they will camp under the stars away from any artificial light, listen to the stories of their elders and reconnect with their history and their culture. During the last two days of the ride, there will be a 100 mile horse race. Participants will be riders over the age of 18.
The Youth Ride is being organized and led by Percy White Plume. One Spirit will help the Lakota people meet the expenses associated with this event by providing: food and first aid for the horses; transportation for the horses to the beginning of the ride and home again afterwards; food for the young people; gas for the guests and participants in the event who will have to travel a far distance to be a part of the event; and other necessities that will be needed to make the ride possible.
We estimate that the event will cost about $50 per participant - a small sum to pay for a life-changing experience.
Your contribution can give these young people an experience that offers healing, restores hope, and ensures the continuation of the Lakota culture.
For event information or for donations; please contact: Percy White Plume, P.O. Box 411 , Manderson , SD 57756 , or call 605-867-5834.
Updates and additional information on the Youth Ride can be heard through the internet on Mondays from 5-6 p.m. (Mountain Time) at, the Lakota radio station located on the reservation.
On the net: http://nativeprogress. org/content/view/69/133
TRAILER from Ghost Riders Wounded Knee
December, a time when most people are getting ready for the holidays and making plans to see their families. But for a small group of young Lakota Indians this is the time when they must brave the elements and sacrifice their holidays to honor their ancestors. The ride, known as the Chief Big Foot Memorial Ride, is a 300-mile trek across the snow-covered plains of South Dakota. This spiritual journey, which cuts right through the heart of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, was started in 1986 when a Lakota Holy Man had a vision, he kept having a recurring dream. In this vision he saw contemporary Indians making the same journey as Chief Big Foot and his tribe did right before the Seventh Calvary captured them and massacred almost all of them on Dec. 29th 1890. Over 300 unarmed men, women and children were murdered on that cold December morning. So in December of 1986 Lakota leaders saddled their horses, bundled up and made the two-week journey, with the final destination being Wounded Knee.

Four years later, in 1990, at what was known as the Wiping of the Tears Ceremony over 200 riders could be seen coming down the hill into Wounded Knee. Marking the 100th anniversary of the massacre.

Now a younger generation has made the vow to keep the ride going and keep the memory of their people alive. With drug abuse, alcoholism, and gang life becoming more and more prevalent on the reservation, a ride like this can help to make a difference for the youth of a struggling Nation. Right now life on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is very tough. Jobs are almost non-existent, money is scarce and desperation is very high. With little to no hope, a young generation as found themselves with their backs up against the wall and not a lot of options. These are the future leaders of the Lakota Nation, and with no role models or support a lot of them are turning to drugs and alcohol.

The two-week journey, which starts on the 15th and ends on the 29th, is a tough ride. The temperatures were usually below or near zero and the terrain was rough, not to mention that these kids spend their Christmas out on the ride. Truly a sacrifice. With each day a new reason for riding is taught, rather it be a prayer for the women of the reservation, those who are in prison, or for the animals the ride is a prayer for the whole Nation and it’s future. On the final day, Dec. 29th, a gathering is held at the Wounded Knee memorial gravesite and the final prayers are said.

The film is narrated by actor Benjamin Bratt, who is not only an Indian as well (Quechua), but also has spent much time on the Pine Ridge Reservation. So he knows of what he speaks.

A true look at contemporary life on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. So throw away your copy of Dances With Wolves and watch a real Indian movie.

Blackhawk Aamodt (creator)
Contact Info

Office: Blackhawk Content
Location: Los Angeles, CA
to order a DVD copy.




Other references to the Ride:
Native Americans on the Big Foot Memorial Ride arrive at Porcupine on Dec. 28, 2007. (Photo by Carson Walker, The Associated Press)

Big Foot Memorial Ride begins today
By Carson Walker
The Associated Press - 16 December 2008

WOUNDED KNEE -- Kim Cameron is about to set off on a nearly 300-mile journey into the past. She and other American Indian horseback riders plan to begin the annual Big Foot Memorial Ride on Monday at Sitting Bull's grave site. They hope to finish at Wounded Knee battle site in two weeks.

The trek has been made the past 23 years to honor the more than 250 men, women and children shot here Dec. 29, 1890, by the U.S. 7th Cavalry in the Wounded Knee massacre.

Cameron, who has done the ride before, said it has taught her patience, respect and discipline. She also has learned about horses, her Lakota culture and how to work with other people on the ride, which the young people call the Future Generations Ride.

"It means a lot. It means more for our people. It means our culture should be coming back steadily," she said.

About eight out of 10 of the riders are young people who want to experience the ride for themselves and learn more about their traditions, said Ron His Horse Is Thunder, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe chairman and a descendant of Sitting Bull.

"This has become a ride for them. A way of renewing, if you will, cultural values," he said. "It's become a rite of passage for those young kids to be able to say, 'I've done that and in doing so have practiced my culture and have learned the values."'

Donaven Yellow, of Wakpala, said he was 11 on his first ride. He said he has gotten more involved with and learned more about his culture every year.

"It helps keep my mind focused on what's right and wrong," Yellow said.

The memorial ride began in 1986 when a handful of Lakota riders decided to follow the December 1890 trip across South Dakota taken by Chief Big Foot and his followers.

That year, Sitting Bull, living on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, was killed when resisting arrest by reservation police. After he was killed, Big Foot's band fled Standing Rock and had hoped to spend the winter in safety with the Oglala in the Badlands. They were intercepted and killed by the 7th Cavalry outside Wounded Knee, which sits at the juncture of three creeks on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southwestern South Dakota.

The modern-day riders feel some of cold the original riders felt, even though they have insulated caps, coats and warm food and shelter awaiting them at the end of each day.

"Riding for my ancestors is a really big thing for me," Cameron, of Wakpala, said of the challenge.
Wakan Tanka unsimala ye. Mitakuye ob wani kta ca lecamun welo.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Heroic annual Big Foot Memorial Ride started today
While you’re reading this, snug and warm at your desk or on your sofa with the TV running, think about what a group of riders are doing right now on the windy, extreme sub-zero prairie, riding 300 miles on horses this week on the annual Big Foot Memorial Ride.

They started out today at the grave site of Chief Sitting Bull near the North Dakota border and headed south to the site of the infamous Wounded Knee Massacre. Today is the 118th anniversary of the assassination of Sitting Bull at his cabin on the Standing Rock Reservation by members of the reservation police force. After Sitting Bull’s death, his people fled south in fear of being massacred and joined tribal people led by Chief Big Foot, Sitting Bull’s half-brother. Their fears were confirmed at their ride’s end. This year’s ride will end to commemorate the massacre which occurred Dec. 29, 1890 in southern Shannon County on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Here is a description of the massacre from Wikipedia:

The Wounded Knee Massacre was the last major armed conflict between the Oglala Lakota and the United States. It was described as a massacre by General Nelson A. Miles in a letter to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.[1]
On December 29, 1890, 500 troops of the U.S. 7th Cavalry, supported by four Hotchkiss guns (a lightweight artillery piece designed for travel with cavalry and used as a replacement for the aging twelve-pound mountain howitzer), surrounded an encampment of Miniconjou Sioux (Lakota) and Hunkpapa Sioux (Lakota).[2] The Army had orders to escort the Sioux to the railroad for transport to Omaha, Nebraska. One day prior, the Sioux had given up their protracted flight from the troops and willingly agreed to turn themselves in at the Pine Ridge Agency in South Dakota. They were the very last of the Sioux to do so. They were met by the 7th Cavalry, who intended to use a display of force coupled with firm negotiations to gain compliance from them.
The commander of the 7th had been ordered to disarm the Lakota before proceeding. During the process of disarmament, a deaf tribesman named Black Coyote refused the order to give up his rifle because he didn't understand. [3]. This set off a chain reaction of events that led to a scene of sheer chaos and mayhem with fighting between both sides in all directions.

By the time it was over, more than 200 men, women and children of the Lakota Sioux lay dead. Twenty-five troopers also died during the massacre, some believed to have been the victims of "friendly fire" as the shooting took place at point blank range in chaotic conditions.[4] Around 150 Lakota are believed to have fled the chaos, with an unknown number later dying from hypothermia.
Posted by Publius at 1:27 PM
Elder's Meditation of the Day - January 4

"Our circle is timeless, flowing, it is a new life emerging from death-life winning out over death."
--Lame Deer, LAKOTA
When we look at the world in the manner which the Great Spirit designed it, we can see why it makes sense to live in harmony with it: the trees grow and bear fruit, the fruit has seeds, the seeds fall to the ground, the ground grows new trees, old trees die to make way for the young. Any time we think we can interrupt this cycle or change it we will experience turmoil and confusion. The Human Cycle exists as the baby becomes the youth, the youth becomes the adult, the adult has children, the adult becomes the Elder, and the Elder teaches the youth. Elders go on to the Spirit World. Spirit comes into babies to produce new life. Flow into the flow. Be the path of least resistance.
My Creator and my Make, today, teach me to just flow with the river of life

Contact us:
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6145 Lehman Drive Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO
80918 E-mail us:
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