Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
NAMAPAHH First People's Radio proudly presents:National Native American & Alaskan Natives Month November 2009

NAMAPAHH First People's Radio proudly presents:
National Native American & Alaskan Natives Month November 2009
Host & Producer: Robin Carneen Tribal affiliation: Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
General link for Internet streaming show ( thank you Blogtalk!)
Native American, News, Views & Music- including friends & supporters of Indigenous People all over the Mother Earth!
►11/15/2009 7:00 PM-9:00PM PST/10:00PM-MIDNIGHT EST
Featuring some music from Canyon Records!
NAMAPAHH First People's Radio: HONORING OUR VETERANS! Native American Veterans & Others from 7-9pm PST / 10pm-midniteEST /11-15-09 on the internet: HONORING OUR VETERANS! Native American Veterans & Others Call in number: (718)508-9165 Host & Producer: Robin Carneen Featuring some music from Canyon Records! HONORING OUR VETERANS! Native American Veterans & Others: Featured Native American Veteran Interviews (PRE-RECORDED-others TBA) Swinomish Veteran Gus Stone and Navajo Code Talker-Sam Tso. If you are a Veteran or friends/family of a Veteran- please feel free to call in, in between interviews & music that we will be sharing to honor our Veterans! You can share memories, a poem, etc....and if you have some podsafe music (independent label only!) you can email me at give me at least email permission to use it on my radio show! and links & details to artist! Call in number: (718)508-9165 If you are over seas or in boot camp & can call in, we'd love to hear from you- say hello to friends & family back home....send them some love! Our prayers are with all our Veterans & those serving in the military now! Be safe, we hope you get to come home soon! Thanks for protecting our country & freedom! Check out my Facebook @ Robin Carneen.... Thanks for listening! Tell your friends to come sit by the fire with us.....share stories, etc I am starting to get some sharing: Lehman Brightman shared this: WORLD WAR I AND II CHOCTAW CODE TALKERS Shout Outs: "Yes! Adrian Wilson, Oregon Nat'l Guard, lraq” /"3 tours. Tlingit tribe, from south east alaska." Sandra D Shotridge
►11/11/2009 6:00 PM-8:00PM PST/9:00PM-11:00 PM EST
HONORING OUR VETERANS!-Native American Veterans & Others Part I
HONORING OUR VETERANS! Native American Veterans & Others: Featured Native American Veteran Interviews (PRE-RECORDED-others TBA) Chet Cayou SR-Swinomish Veteran; Upper Skagit Veterans: At Burlington Parade, WA Leonard Rodriguez( Vietnam Veteran-tribal Veterans Rep-Benefits); Valerie Fernando( Airforce-Gulf War Veteran); Earnie Cheer (Vietnam Veteran-Marine Corps/Nooksack/Upper Skagit-Tribal Veteran rep)
NAMAPAHH First People's Radio proudly presents:
National Native American & Alaskan Natives Month November 2009(cont.)
Featuring Music tracks( others TBA): "Thank A Veteran" by Dwayne Garvais & Friends (A Hip Hop Tribute Song); "Traveling Wall" by Thayne and Taiowa Hake Dedicated in Honor of Cousin Bill Hake and Tim's brother Robert Sheridan...for all the men and women who share a space on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.... If you are a Veteran or friends/family of a Veteran- please feel free to call in, in between interviews & music that we will be sharing to honor our Veterans! You can share memories, a poem, etc....and if you have some podsafe music( independent label only!) you can email me at give me at least email permission to use it on my radio show! and links & details to artist! Call in number: (718)508-9165 If you are over seas or in boot camp & can call in, we'd love to hear from you- say hello to friends & family back home....send them some love! Our prayers are with all our Veterans & those serving in the military now! Be safe, we hope you get to come home soon! Thanks for protecting our country & freedom! Check out my Facebook @ Robin Carneen.... Thanks for listening! Tell your friends to come sit by the fire with us.....share stories, etc
NOTE: Special guest Philip Red Eagle called in too& shared a few pages of his book “Red Earth” available at
Philip Harold Red Eagle is of Dakota and Puget Sound Salish heritage. His father, Philip Sr., is of Sisseton-Wahpeton-Mdewakanton-Yankton descent; and his mother, Marian (formerly Mary Ann) is of Steilacoom-S'Klallam descent. Clan names are unknown. They met in the late 30's at Chemawa Indian School near Salem, Oregon and subsequently married in the Summer of 1940.
Philip was born at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tacoma, Washington, 16 February 1945, and was raised in the Northwest, including Sitka , Alaska, were he graduated from Sitka Senior High School in 1963. He holds two degrees from the University of Washington, Seattle, a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Metal Design from the School of Art (1983) and a Bachelor of Arts in Editorial Journalism from the School of Communications (1987). He minored in Art Photography, Photojournalism and Native American Studies.
Philip writes poetry, fiction, essays and reviews. His works have been included in Art Access, Encyclopedia of North American Indians, Humanities Today, Nobody's Orphan Child (Anthology), Northwest Ethnic News, The Raven Chronicles, Red Ink, Seattle Arts Commission Newsletter - Diverse Views, Guest Editor Series-1990.
His current work is a book of fiction titled: Red Earth - A Vietnam Warrior's Journey. Red Earth has received high praise and is now going into a 2nd Edition. Red Earth is actually two novellas focused around the return home of Native American Vietnam veterans and their struggles with their loss and inability to cope with with their past. It is Philip's experiences in Vietnam in 1970-72 that he draws his images for these stories.
Philip is also a visual artist and a photojournalist. His photos have appeared in American Indian Art Magazine, Air Cal Magazine, Northwest Ethnic News, The Raven Chronicles, The Seattle Post Intelligencer, The Seattle Times and The Tacoma News Tribune, as well as several gallery exhibits across the country.
Philip is the originator and co-founder of The Raven Chronicles - Multicultural Journal of Art, Literature & The Spoken Word (1990). He is currently publishing a South Sound Edition of the Raven out of
NAMAPAHH First People's Radio proudly presents:
National Native American & Alaskan Natives Month November 2009(cont.)
Tacoma, Washington. There is also an On-Line Edition of the Raven.
Philip has also worked in the area of cultural resurgence for the last five years. He has been part of the Canoe Nations Program which is bringing back the Traditional Carved Canoe to the Northwest. He is primarily concerned with using the canoe as a mechanism in which to bring about cultural change among the tribes and to bring the notion of traditional ideas to bring about healing and pride among Native youth. He has found that it also works with adults and elders. The focus of the use of these canoes has been in canoe journeys which encourage group cooperation, discipline and cultural pride. This is a growing program which has no single leader. The leadership comes from the canoe societies of each tribe and various spiritual and cultural persons from the area. This years journey, Power Paddle to Puyallup, started in Vancouver, British Columbia (Squamish) and passed through Tsawwassen, Lummi, Swinomish, Tulalip, Port Gamble S'Klallam, Suquamish Nations and finished at Puyallup, near Tacoma, WA. This has been a rapidly growing and successful program. The spiritual aspect has been especially powerful and has left some very positive and beautiful images in the hearts and minds of it participants.
►11/8/2009 7:00 PM-9:00PM PST/10:00PM-MIDNIGHT EST Where is Gina 9 Gina DeJesus): A Look At Missing Children- Documentary Film by IVMP Co-host /PR ( for the film)Tara Pretends Eagle Weber
Where Is Gina? - IVM Productions: Interviews with Director Rueben Reyes, Producer Tim White, Nancy Ruiz-Mother of Gina DeJesus who is still missing, and Tara Pretends Eagle Weber, Lakota Activist, Spokesperson for DeJesus Family and present Advocate & Promoter of the movie. Guest for the show for "Where is Gina? " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please contact your United States (Federal Senators) to sponsor and/or support AMINA & the epidemic for missing children! Written by Tara Pretends Eagle Weber, Lakota Founder of The Intertribal Warrior Society for Children-Honoring AMINA Advocate for Amanda Berry & Gina DeJesus...other important links: Date of Birth: February 13, 1990 Place of Birth: Ohio Sex:Female Hair:Brown Height: 5'1" to 5'3" Eyes:Brown Weight: 135 pounds Race: White (Hispanic) THE DETAILS: On Friday, April 2, 2004, in Cleveland, Ohio, Georgina DeJesus disappeared while she was walking home from school. The 14-year-old teenager was last seen at a pay telephone booth, sometime between 2:45 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., at the corner of 105th Street and Lorain Avenue. Local law enforcement authorities initiated an investigation after DeJesus' parents reported her missing...(see site for more details) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Recently featured on Ophra:
NAMAPAHH First People's Radio proudly presents:
National Native American & Alaskan Natives Month November 2009(cont.)
►11/7/2009 7:00-9:00 PM PST/10:00PM-MIDNIGHT EST Strider-style music- an interview with Native American singer-songwriter Joseph Strider
Bio Excerpt: "Joseph Strider was born in Texas where he began his lifelong journey as a singer/song writer. His influences are wide-ranging, from his Lipan Apache heritage and hard rock roots to the music of such guitar masters as Bruce Cockburn, Michael Hedges and Andre Segovia. He spent six years touring Texas as the lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist in a rock/metal band. His growing knowledge, experience and love of music led him to the acoustic guitar, the instrument that would travel with him on the next leg of his journey. He has blended his beginnings, resulting in music with a folk/alternative twist and the sound that is uniquely Joseph Strider." More: "Joseph's heritage is as much a part of who he is as his music. He is a staunch supporter of Indigenous issues, volunteering his time and musical talents to assist in the effort to educate society on the atrocities committed against the People of the First Nations throughout history and today. Those who wish to experience the music of Joseph Strider in person are invited to stop by The City Grind Coffee House in Cranford, New Jersey where Joseph hosts an open mic. event on alternating Friday evenings at 8p.m. Interested parties are encouraged to contact him at for details.
For those of you unable to attend a performance, a small sampling of Joseph's music can be heard on Myspace Videos of Joseph's performances are available on YouTube He is an artists who enjoys connecting with his audience, so be sure to drop him a line. Joseph's debut cd, "Meanings Within Meanings Within Meanings" will be available for online sale December 2009. "Little Bird" will be released summer 2010. Joseph is currently at work on a concept album titled "The Journey" and an as yet untitled instrumental album. And the journey continues...."
►11/5/2009 7:00-9:00 PM PST/10:00PM-MIDNIGHT EST Open Mic re: White House Tribal Nations Conference: Nov 5th 2009-Tribal leaders meet with President Obama
Folks this is a very historic day....I am having an open mic show for two hours in hope that we get phone calls from DC as follow up as far as how things went during the conference. If you get this early enough, tune in Thursday AM-9am:live stream until 530pm EST on: We will be sharing alot of good, related music to the truth about what happened to Native Americans for many generations. From the beginning of when Columbus took the wrong turn, to present day feet dragging by our government to live up to & honor the treaties. YES IT HAS BEEN ALL ABOUT 1) Real Estate 2) Resources 3) poor money management and investments 4) racist curriculum in our school systems and in the marketing/products/commercialism arenas 5)isolation; 6)minimal health care for all(if at all)-including urgent care; 7) trust fund appropriations & no pay out to those who, in some cases, have lived in poverty & died waiting for the well deserved payment; 8) mis-conceptions by outsiders who think we don't pay taxes & that casinos have made us all rich- NOT!; 9) theft & exploitation of our ceremonies by plastic shamans, cult leaders & even our own people in some circumstances; 10) boarding schools & other religions oppressing us & trying to "kill the Indian"; 11) toxic dumping on Indian lands, creating cancerous & other deadly health conditions & concerns on
NAMAPAHH First People's Radio proudly presents:
National Native American & Alaskan Natives Month November 2009(cont.)
some tribal lands; 12) having to create laws & acts to protect our ways; 13) Desecration of sacred sites; 14) dams erected , destroying historical & ancient sites of our people; 15) NAGPRA laws being ignored & exceptions being made for trespass & development on top of burial ground & archaeological sites; 16) loss of many our languages.....this is the short list PLEASE Call in (718) 508-9165
►11/1/2009 7:00-9:00 PM PST/10:00PM-MIDNIGHT EST 2009 NAMMY Follow Up: Wind Spirit Drum Group/Michael Bucher
Native American Music & Natl Native American Heritage Month
Kicking off Natl Native American Heritage Month! 2009 NAMMY News Follow Up_Wind Spirit Drum & Michael Bucher will be our guests! Wind Spirit Drum-Traditional Drum Performance Group. This husband and wife duo share their Eastern Woodland Native American culture and music through their flute and drum performances.Windwalker and Spirit Buffalo's music showcases traditional Eastern Woodland drumming and spiritual Native American flute.They share their Mic-Mac, Lenape and Cherokee heritage thru their song and storytelling performances. Their performances are immersed in beauty, harmony and healing. The couples daughter, Anagqus, dances to her parents inspiring music. Their captivating performances have entertained audiences from Maine to Florida as they performed on the Pow Wow circut for six years. They now entertain and share their culture in New Mexico, their current home On the Net: AWARDS:* Amazing Grace, Lenape Spirits - 2009 Native American Music Award Winner for “Best Gospel Inspirational” Recording * Lenape Spirits – Nominated for 2009 Indian Summer Music Award for “Best Traditional” Album >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Bucher (Cherokee) Musician/Songwriter His songs are intended to teach, heal and bring awareness to everyone who hears them. He sings about topics that are important to him and others in Indian Country. From the desecration of sacred sites, to Cherokee legends, to the sometimes seemingly Invisible Indian, there's a passionate quality throughout.AWARDS: * Michael Bucher and Joanne Shenandoah, Bitter Tears Sacred Ground-2009 Indian Summer Music Award for “Best Folk” Album * Michael Bucher and Joanne Shenandoah Bitter Tears Sacred Ground-2009 Native American Music Award for “Best Compilation” Album * Don't Forget About Me - Nominated for Best Political Song - 2008 Native E Music Awards * Don't Forget About Me - Nominated for Best Short Form Video - 2009 NAMA
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