Thursday, April 28, 2011

(Sungha Jung) Always Be Here - Sungha Jung

Just beautiful!

The Cherokee Word for Water - Background Video

IMPORTANT History! Let this never ever happen again!

Indigfe Femme Performances - 2007 Austalian Tour

Kinship Circle in Japan - For The Animals

Michelle Way
I am excited to announce that my friends with Fisher The Band have offered to donate downloads of the song I used in this World Animal Awareness Society - WA2S.Org production to support Kinship Circle's work in Japan!! NOW, who can offer information about a website that can host this song where I can set-up a downloads for donations program?

Medical Alert Leonard Peltier Must Be Transferred

At this time, Mr. Peltier's most pressing need is proper medical care. His only hope of being seen by qualified physicians and receiving care that complies with standard medical protocols is to be immediately transferred to another facility. For background information on this current crisis, read our November 2010 press release at

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Invitation: Community Dinner-Paddle to Swinomish TCJ Committee sponsoring get together 4-20-11: 6pm! Bring your Drum!

Dinner and drumming and dancing in the gym!
Starts at 6pm...spread the word! Everyone welcome!!!
Food, Raffles,sharing of culture,time for "loving,caring and sharing together!"
See you there!

Where we honor our Elders and our children....

(Photo by Robin Carneen 2011)

A Time of healing....

(Photo by Robin Carneen 2011)


Bring your Drum!!!!
                                                        (Photo by Robin Carneen 2011)

Great Food!
(Photo by Robin Carneen 2011)

Raffle prizes!!!
(Photo by Robin Carneen 2011)

Time with Family....
(Photo by Robin Carneen 2011)

Time with Community!
(Photo by Robin Carneen 2011)

You'll never know what you'll learn along the Journey....
(Photo by Robin Carneen 2011)

Or who you'll meet and come to know, along the way!
Paddles up! July 25th-31st...
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community will welcome you all!

(Photo by Robin Carneen 2011)

Tiny Tim-Reminder FREE Locals Tulip Town tour! La Conner,WA 4-20-11 5:50-7pm!

Remember FREE locals night
Tip Toe...
(photo by Robin Carneen 2010)

by the garden....
(photo by Robin Carneen 2010)

by the willow tree...
(photo by Robin Carneen 2010)

and tip toe through the Tulips with me...

(photo by Robin Carneen 2010)

Tulip Town, WA FREE Locals night this year is 4-20-11!!! 5:30-7pm! See ya there, bring on the Tulips!

General touring:
Driving Suggestion: Take Exit 230 (Hwy 20); head west to Avon Allen Rd; Turn left (south) on Avon Allen until you get to McLean Rd. Turn right on to McLean Rd. and begin your tulip adventures there. Bring your patience, sit back and relax. It will be worth it!

(photo by Robin Carneen 2010)

(photo by Robin Carneen 2010)

(photo by Robin Carneen 2010)

(photo by Robin Carneen 2010)

(photo by Robin Carneen 2010)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tonemah- Pow Wow Snag - Live from the Kennedy Center

Native American Action at Glen Cove Continues--4/15/11

Christina Akaquiqui via Francis Sistiague shared this!!!! Please re-post! Please take action if you can...even if it is re-posting this! Thank this for our ancestors....DIGNITY & RESPECT- its all we are asking hard is this?

Native Americans Protest--4/13/11

Cris J. Markey April 19 at 12:32am Reply • Report


Wounded Knee DeOcampo, AIM SB, and other activists have released an emergency request for ALL people to converge at Glen Cove.

Please come to Glen Cove AS-SOON-AS-POSSIBLE and bring friends. We need numbers! GVRD has threatened to attempt a mass arrest tonight. Please remember, no weapons, no drugs, no alcohol -- this is a spiritual gathering to honor and protect the ancestors.

Mr. Presley from the Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD) arrived early this morning to tell the protestors that they "are not allowed to camp in the park, and that they will be removed by force if necessary."

Wounded Knee stated, "They are either coming tonight or tomorrow, but we need people out here now."

AIM SB released a similar call on their main website today stating, "The people at Glen Cove just received an "eviction" notice for tomorrow, so please we need as many people as possible at Glen Cove right now. It will help a lot if more people come out and stay the night and/or arrive tomorrow morning as early as possible!"

United Native Americans, Inc: "Help Put An End To The Desecration of American Indian Sacred Sites & Burial Sites!"

The League of Indian Nations and The Strong Heart Preservation Movement, which are backed by The International Parliament of Safety and Peace, has sent word to the City of Vallejo that under international law, and several US laws, that they will be breaking regulations whereby indigenous people are entitled to worship and protect their own lands. Wounded reiterated once again, "This is not a park yet, this is a sacred burial ground and place of worship."


Please help us spread the word by calling or eMailing your friends and family. In addition, please contact GVRD and the Major of Vallejo to voice your disapproval of their actions:

GVRD: (707) 648-4600

General Manager Shane McAffee


City of Vallejo: (707) 648-4377

Mayor, Osby Davis


Local Newspaper: Vallejo Times-Herald: (707) 644-1141

Official website:

Organizers & Coordinators:

Sacred Site Protection & Rights of Indigenous Tribes (SSP&RIT)

Wounded Knee DeOcampo: (707) 373-7195

Corrina Gould: (510) 575-8408

Morning Star Gali: (510) 827 6719

Mark Anquoe: (415) 680 0110

Legal Support Number: (415) 285-1011

Please write it somewhere on your person. It is the number to call if you are arrested, or if you see someone being arrested.


Strong Heart Preservation Movement

League of Indian Nations of North America

Rob Dunaway:




* Native Americans continue spiritual ceremonies and

occupation of burial site.

* Dozens of local residents visit and express support for

protecting the sacred land.

* GVRD's Public Relations fails to mention plans to bulldoze

a hill that likely contains human remains.

* Participants conduct Glen Cove beach cleanup and remove

graffiti on abandoned mansion.


Vallejo, California - The occupation of the ancient burial site at Glen

Cove in Vallejo by Native Americans and supporters entered its fifth day on Monday, April 18, 2011 as dozens remain at the site to guard it against desecration by bulldozers.

On Sunday, Native Americans and their supporters conducted a cleanup of the beach at Glen Cove, and also painted over Nazi graffiti that the City of Vallejo had allowed to remain on the old Mansion at the site.

Dozens of local residents visited the occupation over the weekend and expressed their support for protecting the burial site. Many expressed outrage that the City of Vallejo was wasting money fighting the Native Americans over this site when other city parks are dilapidated due to budget problems. Supporters brought food and supplies.

The Native Americans are highlighting the fact that public statements by the Greater Vallejo Recreation District in the last few days is very

misleading, with GVRD representatives claiming they want to protect the burial site but failing to mention their plans to dig into a hill that

likely contains human remains with bulldozers.

The U.S. Department of Justice met with the Native American leadership on Saturday to lay the groundwork for a possible mediation meeting with Greater Vallejo Recreation District on Monday or Tuesday.

The history and cultural value of the site has never been disputed.

Native Americans continue to hold ceremonies at Sogorea Te just as they have for thousands of years.

The Glen Cove Shell Mound spans fifteen acres along the Carquinez Strait. It is the final resting place of many Indigenous People dating back more than 3,500 years, and has served as a traditional meeting place for dozens of California Indian tribes.

The site continues to be spiritually important to California tribes. The Glen Cove site is acknowledged by GVRD and the City to have many burials and to be an important cultural site, yet they are attempting to build a toilet and parking lot on this sacred site and to grade a hill that likely contains human remains and important cultural artifacts.

Sacred Site Protection & Rights of Indigenous Tribes (SSP&RIT)

has asked GVRD to reconsider their plans to grade the hill and build

toilets and a parking lot at the site.

Glen Cove is located near the intersection of South Regatta and

Whitesides Drive in Vallejo.

For more information and directions to the sacred site, please visit:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gipsy Kings - Un Amor (lyrics)

TRANSLATIOIN: One love, one love I Lived, Crying and It told me, the word of God, Crying for you, its is with love, one love, one love I lived, crying, and tormented, the word of god, crying for you, it is with love, ...oh to (now) live with (near) you, I fell in love with you, without your kisses I cannot live remembering, (I cannot live just remembering your kisses), ...Repeat ...I wish, to understand one love and to know one love that wanted (Loved) me..and tormented, the word of god, Repeat

Nettle Tea

How to make nettle soup

Chetan Lutah ~ Red-tailed Hawk ~ Arvel Bird


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Native American Indian Artist Harold Alfred Kwakwaka'wakw

table song

Salish HIP HOP Song 2010 Nkwusm.wmv

How to Eat Dandelion Greens |

How to Eat Dandelion Greens |

Coast Salish design elements

4-3-11 InterviewLaConnerWAMayor Ramon HayesPaddletoSwin2011 4/3/2011 - NAMAPAHHRadio | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

4-3-11 InterviewLaConnerWAMayor Ramon HayesPaddletoSwin2011 4/3/2011 - NAMAPAHHRadio | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

This morning 10am-11amPST....paddles up (internet permitting -still glitchy!) by Chief Frank Nelson and flute master Paul Wagner and Tribal Canoe family music will be shared as line open 20 mins into the show:
Call-in Number: (718) 508-9165

All photos by Robin Carneen ( except for the one of me....those were taken and given to me by others!)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Blackberry Is Not Working! - The One Ronnie, Preview - BBC One

PROMO4-2-11 Interview with LaConnerWAMayor Ramon HayesPaddletoSwinomish 4/2/2011 - NAMAPAHHRadio | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

PROMO4-2-11 Interview with LaConnerWAMayor Ramon HayesPaddletoSwinomish 4/2/2011 - NAMAPAHHRadio | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Promo for Tomorrow's show: One hour show! :)
Link for tomorrow's show:

Time for tomorrow's show: 10am-11am PST...same interview (pre-recorded) with more music and info....might open up the phone lines! After the interview....first 15 mins into the show, who wants to call in?

Call-in Number: (718) 508-9165

4-3-11 InterviewLaConnerWAMayor Ramon HayesPaddletoSwin2011 4/3/2011 - NAMAPAHHRadio | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Mayor Ramon Hayes shares his excitement about the upcoming Tribal Canoe Journey-Paddle to Swinomish 2011 & what it will mean to the Town of La Conner,

About the Mayor:"I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to serve the Town of La Conner for the past 2 years.I moved here almost 20 years ago to marry my wife Heidi,& today we are joined by our daughter Victoria who is 6. La Conner is a small waterfront town situated half-way between Seattle & Vancouver B.C.,making it the essential regional destination for tourism,& a vibrant,peaceful place to live & raise a family.We have a rich history dating back to the 1800's,& are committed to retaining our small town historic character & charm.When you're looking for a unique experience you just won't find anywhere else...come & visit us in La Conner."

4-3-11 InterviewLaConnerWAMayor Ramon HayesPaddletoSwin2011 4/3/2011 - NAMAPAHHRadio | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Tribal Canoe Journey-Paddle to Swinomish 2011

Featured music by Chief Frank Nelson & Flute player Paul Wagner:

Chief Frank Nelson-Yekawid is a Kwakwaka'wakw artist born on Gilford Island,BC-Chief Frank dedicated this CD to the Kwakwaka'wakw people. Tribal journeys have been an inspiration for Chief Frank.The songs on "In the Spirit of Our Ancestors" have been used on his journeys & he dedicates them to the demands made by his culture, honour,integrity & respect.The CD features seven tracks that are very special to Chief Nelson:

Paul Wagner:"Che oke ten" hails from the Wsaanich (Saanich) tribe of southern Vancouver Island,BC...he's an internationally-performing ambassador of the traditional songs & stories of his Coast Salish tribal ancestors. He's an internationally-performing ambassador of the traditional songs & stories of his Coast Salish tribal ancestors.He enjoys sharing the warmth, humor & wisdom of these beautiful "teachings," ...interweaving his Spirit-gifted songs on Native American flute,along with traditional tribal drum songs:

Aurelia Washington-TCJ-Paddle to Swinomish Coordinator & (rt) Melissa Miller Asst TCJ Coordinator...for more info:

Contact the Journey Coordinators:
Aurelia Washington – Journey Coordinator – 360 466-1359
Melissa Edwards Miller – Assistant Journey Coordinator - 360 466-1606

Canoe Family Members getting ready to welcome canoes last year on their way to Makah!

Canoes Landing at Swimoish in 2010:

Old Landing site is up the beach & its going to be beautiful! More pictures later!

All photos and audio interview by Robin Carneen Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved
A production of : NAMAPAHH First People's Radio & Productions

stevens pass avalanche skier killed back country cowboy ridge, Skier Killed In Avalanche At Stevens Pass - KCPQ

stevens pass avalanche skier killed back country cowboy ridge, Skier Killed In Avalanche At Stevens Pass - KCPQ

You guys be careful...stay out of the back country...avalanche of the Mountains claimed a 20 year old, last weekend..... link to article( so sad!)

Over 30 Bald Eagles in the back yard

Sign of the times when wild eagles are getting so hungry that they are coming to humans for food....makes me sad actually! Down in the lower states we have had alot of Eagle activity & I read an article about "Eagles falling from the sky"....they say that they ARE hungry, eating out of the Garbage dumps & many are dying from malnutrition, etc.....sign of the times, BAD SIGN! Here is a link to that story:

Yaqui: Danza del Venado en Sonora, Mexico

Longest Walk 3 reaches San Xavier Reservation March 5, 2011

Redbone Tribute by Tracy Lee Nelson 2010

REDBONE We Were All Wounded at Wounded Knee 1973

The Cats and a Curious Eagle

An eagle visits my cat

Friday, April 1, 2011

Penticton couple missing in the U.S. April 1, 2011- please pass along!

Penticton couple missing in the U.S.

Please repost....

Missing: Albert and Rita Chretien, 59 and 56 years old, crossed into Washington State via Oroville on March 19, around 7:05 a.m. en route to Las Vegas. They were travelling in their light brown 2000 Chevy Astro van, with B.C. licence plate 212 CAV. The couple's children contacted police when they failed to return home between Monday and Wednesday, as planned.

Photograph by: Handout, RCMP