Sunday, December 28, 2008

More Native Radio! Listen in while you think of a caption!

More Native Radio! Listen in while you think of a caption! News

Christmas special

Click here to listen to the show!

Native Voices Internet December 21, 2008
Native Voices Internet December 21, 2008: Randy Huffman is back as your host of the Native Voices Internet Radio Program! Features holiday songs from Todi Neesh Zhee Singers and Friends, Warscout, Jana, R. Carlos Nakai and William Eaton, Douglas Bluefeather, and Radmilla Cody, and the music of Eagle and Hawk and Young Grey Horse. Plus news: Crow Nation of Montana Horse Mounted Unit to march in the 56th Inaugural Parade.
Go to the home page and click on "Listen to Native Voices shows"

Wish you were HERE....wish WE WERE HERE TOO!

Photo of us by Noelle Eschete and remix by Gette using her photo of Melbourne Beach in FL...

So here's the deal for NAMAPAHH Radio...our current caption is:

"Wish you were here...WE WISH WE WERE HERE TOO!!!!

We want to use your caption enter today!

Winner gets to go to THIS beach with the Two Carneens....(after we win the lottery! Or hit it BIG at the casino!)

So are you interested?


If so....Send your entries to or post them here & we will read them on the air of our next radio show- which'll be sooner than later!

Enjoy Randy's show- glad he is back doing NDN radio! We missed him!

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