Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Local News | Attorneys seek grand-jury review of fatal shooting of woodcarver | Seattle Times Newspaper

Local News | Attorneys seek grand-jury review of fatal shooting of woodcarver | Seattle Times Newspaper

The city would like us all to let it go and move on, but that's not going to happen. There can be no peace, healing, and reconciliation without justice. Ian Birk must be charged in the shooting death of John T. Williams. The city attorney, the US attorney, and the DOJ can all make this happen - but they need YOU AND YOUR VOICE TO PUSH THEM TO DO SO.
 Other info shared under her post of this article, more comments & info from here & others:
Fern Renville Laurie, Satterberg is making a public appearance on April 7 for First Thursday Seattle... let's represent! I'll post more details soon. But I'd also like to focus on the City and US Attorney's offices... that may well be more productive.
Wendy Johnson City Attorney Peter Holmes is Peter.Holmes@seattle.gov and phone is 206-684-8288. Dan Satterberg is: Prosecuting.Attorney@kingcounty.gov and phone is 206-296-9067. Satterberg is a elected official and Holmes serves at the pleasure of the Mayor, so totally appropriate to call or write them and respectfully let them know how you feel.
Jim Roberts
It's fine to call or write the Mayor, too. Just a personal rule of thumb, always follow the food chain up to the next elected official.


Media commentaries are good, too.

Also, some of us run websites with public forums:

www.powwows.com (Paul Gowder)
www.powwowtime.com (mine)
www.nativenetwork.org (Nick Belgard)

My forum ("The Arbor") is recently reopened with new software/database so there are only a few test posts right now, but there is a Native Issues section. Feel free to use it.

Another breaking new story(related):



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